even though the war took away almost all of my childhood and i never did go on a decent vacation to neum or to where ever people go i know that my kids will be able to one day because i wont teach them hate and discimination. i know that you cant compare one person to ..... Ne interesuju me ni od koga komentari....... November 25, 2006 12:17:00 PM PST. Anonymous said... slusaj te papci BANJALUCANI nikadnisu pitali za vjeru samo dosljaci pozdrav svima iz MEJEANA iz BRISELA ...
bKapci/b - Committee of Indonesian Advocates for the Disabled Kapet - Biak Integrated Economic Development Zone Kapolres - Kepala Polisi Resort, District Police Chief Kapolsek - Kepala Polisi Sektor, Sectoral Police Chief b...../b REI - Indonesian Real bEstate/b Developers Association Repdem - Relawan Perjuangan Demokrasi, Volunteers for Democratic Struggle, social organisation affiliated to the PDI-P Repelita/Pelita Repelita - Five Year Development Plan RIA - Republik Islam Aceh, ...
even though the war took away almost all of my childhood and i never did go on a decent bvacation/b to neum or to where ever people go i know that my kids will be able to one day because i wont teach them hate and discimination. b....../b slusaj te bpapci/b BANJALUCANI nikadnisu pitali za vjeru samo dosljaci pozdrav svima iz MEJEANA iz BRISELA. November 25, 2006 12:17:00 PM PST. Anonymous said... Ja se zovem PROLAZNIK znate samo ovako prodjem procitam koju pa idem dalje i vise se ...